Hi, In this article I will completely guide you about the Top 8 Military Cadet Colleges in Pakistan Army, Navy, PAF. If you want to get admission to Pak Army Cadet Colleges, Pak Navy Cadet College and PAF Cadet Colleges then stay on this page for the latest information.
Best Military Cadet college in Pakistan Army for all Pakistani students offers admission from class 8th to class 12th according to their eligibility criteria. It is a great opportunity for students to qualify for Defence Forces cadet colleges in Pakistan and Join the Pak Army, Pak Navy, and Pakistan Air Force as Commissioned officers and serve the nation.
Every student has a wish to get admission to Pakistan Armed Forces Cadets Colleges for their bright future. In Military Cadet Colleges not only do you get a quality education but also are able to be mentally strong for future decisions.
What is a Cadet?
Top 8 Military Cadet Colleges in Pakistan Army Navy PAF

Cadet Colleges Under Pakistan Army
Following is the complete detail of Cadet Colleges Under Pak Army and all administration and education facilities provided by Pakistan Army. There are three main Cadet Colleges running by Pakistan Army below,
- Miltary College Jhelum
- Military Collge Murree
- Militar College Sui( Balochistan)
Military College Jhelum
Military Cadet College Jhelum is a very famous and top cadet college in Pakistan and it provides quality education. The main entrance to the college is in the 8th class. The bulk of seats is offered to the sons of the army personnel only, against their specified quota.
However, a limited number of seats are available for the sons of the remaining categories of defense services personnel and civilians to compete on open merit. There are 116 seats in each entry. Special entry is taken in 1st year if some seats are available. The Military Cadet College is affiliated with the Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Rawalpindi.
Top 8 Military Cadet Colleges in Pakistan Army Navy PAF
Read, Cadet College Admission In Pakistan
Military College Murree
The MCM College is functioning under the auspices of IGT&E Branch/ HRD Dte, GHQ. It can house 450 x students from class VIII to XII. The strength of each entry is 90. The College is headed by a Commandant and is organized into Academic and Administrative Wings. The academic wing is headed by Deputy Commandant who is also the Chief Instructor. He is assisted by heads of departments and a rich faculty. The Administrative Wing is headed by Lieutenant Colonel and is responsible for the administrative matters. Physical training/ sports and outdoor activities are supervised by the Adjutant, House Masters, and House Officers.
Military College Murree(MCM) was inaugurated by the COAS gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on 1st September 2008. This Institution is entrusted to educate and groom the students for induction in the Pakistan Army. MCM is structured for the strength of 450 boys from class 8th to 12th.
Top 8 Military Cadet Colleges in Pakistan Army Navy PAF
Military College Sui ( Balochistan)
Military College Sui ( Balochistan) mission is to educate and groom the cadets intellectually, morally, and physically, fostering requisite leadership qualities for rendering services to Army in particular and civil society in general. Sui is located at the confluence of three provinces – Balochistan, Sindh, and Punjab. All major cities like Sadiqabad, Rahim Yar Khan, Multan and Sukkur are easily accessible.
Top 8 Military Cadet Colleges in Pakistan Army Navy PAF
Cadet Colleges Under Pakistan Air Force PAF
PAF College Sargodha
PAF College Sargodha was established in December 1952. PAF Cadet College Sargodha’s mission is to develop academic potential in the studies with moral and physical grooming reflective of the core values of integrity, duty, and excellence.
Admission Process
Admission to the College is made in class VIII for the Flying Branch of PAF according to the conditions given below:
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: The candidate must be over 11.5 years and under 13.5 years of age on 1st January 2022. No relaxation, whatsoever, in the age limit is permitted.
- Qualification: During selection, the candidate must have passed Class VII by the time of admission (April 2022). Candidates of Cambridge System are also eligible to apply.
- Citizenship: Candidate must be a male citizen of Pakistan or Azad Jammu & Kashmir.
Selection Procedure
The selection process consists of the following three phases:
- Phase-I: Written Test
- Phase-II: Intelligence Test / Preliminary Medical / Interview
- Phase-III:Final Medical by Central Medical Board (CMB), PAF
Phase-I Written Test
The eligible candidates are required to appear for the following written tests:
- General Science and Maths : 2 hours (Simultaneously)
- English and Urdu : 2 hours (Simultaneously)
All the tests are conducted on the same day at the centers opted by the candidates. The use of a calculator in the Mathematics paper is not permitted. For the convenience of both English and Urdu medium boys, the Mathematics and General Science papers may be attempted either in English or Urdu.
Syllabi for Written Test
The syllabi for the written test are given on the subsequent pages in the Prospectus. The test is a competitive examination, therefore, the syllabi given in the Prospectus are meant only for the general guidance of the candidates. By and large, the questions in the test papers are based on the syllabi in vogue in various Textbook Boards in Pakistan, questions may be set in any form in any paper.
Written Test Results
Results of the written test are displayed at the respective PAF Information and Selection Centres and at the Main Gate of the College about a month after the test. Only the successful candidates are informed through mail to appear in the next phase.
Intelligence Test
Candidates qualifying for the written test are required to appear for an intelligence test. This determines the IQ of a candidate. Sample question papers and answer sheets of the Intelligence test are given on the subsequent pages for further guidance and preparation.
Preliminary Medical
Candidates qualifying for the Intelligence test are called for a preliminary medical test. This test takes place at PAF Information and Selection Centres and at the College, observing the basic medical standards for the Flying Branch of Pakistan Air Force. The Candidate should be free from deformities of hands, feet, spine, and chest e.g. Hallus Valgus (inward rotation of the toe), Flat Feet (feet not having normal curve), Knocking Knees (knees striking with each other while standing erect or running), Overriding of Toes, etc.
The visual and heating systems should be in perfect condition. Moreover, the candidate should not be affected by skin and dental diseases. The Torso Height should fall between the laid down upper and lower limits for the Flying Branch. There should be no squint, defective vision, and color blindness.
Important: The candidate must have 6/6 eyesight without glasses. Candidates, who wear glasses, should not apply. The opinion of PAF Medical Officer conducting the test is final. No appeal in this regard is admissible.
Top 8 Military Cadet Colleges in Pakistan Army Navy PAF
Successful candidates in intelligence tests and preliminary medical are to appear for interviews which will be conducted by an Interview Board. The Candidate has posed questions about the basic Subject and General knowledge. The Board determines the Candidate’s personality, character traits, comprehension, expression, emotional stability, and confidence. The results of the interview will be available on the College Website (this).
Phase -III
Final Medical (CMB)
Candidates selected in interviews are called for the Final Medical Test at Islamabad, Sargodha / Lahore, and Karachi. PAF’s Central Medical Board (CMB) examines the candidate thoroughly according to the requirements of Flying Branch. The decision of CMB is FINAL and no appeal against the decision is entertained.
Selection from Final Merit List
Candidates who qualify for the CMB are included in the merit list for the final selection. There is no provision of reserved seats or quota of any kind at this institution. The list of finally selected candidates is uploaded on the College Website. The call-up letter along with joining instructions are sent to the successful candidates only.
Top 8 Military Cadet Colleges in Pakistan Army Navy PAF
PAF College Murree Lower Topa
PAF Cadet College Murree Lower Topa Mission is to groom young boys as to make them leaders of tomorrow. Vision is to create an environment conducive to personality development and the Objective is to develop a balanced personality with adequate physical, intellectual, moral, and ethical values.
Admission Procedure
Applications for admission in class 8th only are invited every year subject to the conditions given below:
- The applicant is a student of 7th or 8th class
- He has passed the written test and has been declared medically fit in the preliminary medical examination
- Has passed the intelligence test/interview
- Has cleared Central Medical Board (CMB)
Age: An Applicant should not be under 11 years & 6 months and not over 13 years & 6 months of age on 1st January of the next year. (No exemption is given to this rule)
Entrance Test: The candidates are required to undergo a Written Test. The written test comprises four subjects i.e. English, Urdu, General Science, and Mathematics. Tests of General Science and Mathematics may be taken either in English or Urdu Medium.
Medical Examination: A preliminary medical examination (GD(P) standard) of those candidates who qualify in the written tests will be conducted at designated PAF Information and Selection Centres.
Top 8 Military Cadet Colleges in Pakistan Army Navy PAF
Cadet College Under Pakistan Navy
PN Cadet College Ormara
Pak Navy Cadet Ormara Vision is To be a premier institute in Pakistan dedicated to providing quality education to the youth, developing them morally, physically, socially, and intellectually into responsible citizens and dynamic leaders.
PN Cadet College Ormara To educate youth and instill the highest traits of honor and character.
Our Objectives
Pakistan Navy Cadet College Provides quality education to the youth of Pakistan in general and Balochistan in particular.
Groom the cadets in a conducive environment to develop their intellectual, moral, and physical attributes.
Act as a feeder institution for Pakistan Navy/Armed forces in particular and other fields of life in general.
So, This is the article Top 8 Military Cadet Colleges in Pakistan Army Navy PAF, if you like it then share it to your friends.